Command & Hotkeys
⚔️ Basic Commands
Price: 1,000,000,000 Zen/change or /evo
Evolve your character Class
🎮 Event Commands
Stack Rena to Auction/bid
Bid Rena during Auction/infoquest
Command to know what you have to do to farm WC on Quest System/cp
Participate in 'Lightning Coupon' Event
📊 Stat Commands
/addstr xxx
Add points to Strength/addagi xxx
Add points to Agility/addvit xxx
Add points to Vitality/addene xxx
Add points to Energy/addcmd xxx
Add points to Command
🛠️ Utility Commands
Clean all your Inventory + Store + Expanded Invenvory/openware
Open ware in spot/openware 1-5
Change your ware to another one (VIP)/offattack or /offlevel
Use the Offlevel System (configuration of MuHelper will be used here) (Some low maps the Offlevel does not work, only in mid/high maps)
🏪 Store Commands
/store coin
Open Coin Store/store gp
Open GP Store/store ruud
Open Ruud Store
⚠️ Important Notes:
- Use /offstore command to activate offline store mode
- Do not use the OPEN button to open your store
- Items will be sold for Zen if no command is used
💻 Hotkeys
I, or V:
Opens the character inventory.I, then S:
Opens the Personal Store windowK:
Opens the Gremory CaseC:
Opens the character's stat menuU:
Opens the character's skill tree.Z:
Opens the MU Helper settings.M:
Opens the warp windowT:
Opens the quest windowY:
Opens the Muun inventoryD:
Opens a list of character commandsF:
Opens the Friends List and MailboxB:
Opens the Gens information window.G:
Opens your guilds informationA:
Opens the Master Skill Tree windowCtrl + A:
Opens the Enhance Skill Tree windowCtrl + V:
Opens the event inventory windowN:
Opens party & guild matchingX:
Opens the Cash Item ShopP:
Opens the Personal Store ListEND:
Opens the Hunting LogO:
Opens the Option MenuESC:
Opens the System MenuTAB:
Opens the mini-map